No. 09 — Kerrilynn Pamer of CAP Beauty

The online universe of CAP Beauty has long been a renowned and trusted resource for non-toxic skincare and supportive wellness staples. After receiving a diagnosis of celiac disease, Founder and CEO Kerrilynn Pamer set out to change her lifestyle from the inside out. Her profound learnings set the foundation for CAP — a platform to create and share the efficacy of botanical ingredients and mindful living. Fans of CAP, we admire the beautiful life Kerrilynn has cultivated, from her chic Los Angeles abode filled with books to her commitment to reimagining the world of beauty.
Where are you from originally, and what brought you to Los Angeles?
I’m from Oregon; I grew up in Portland but spent a lot of my childhood in Central Oregon. After having spent close to 30 years (!) in New York City, I was ready to move back to the West Coast. This coast is so familiar and sweet to me, it is a fundamental part of my being and informs everything I do.
If you had to describe your own philosophy on 'well-being' in three words, what would they be?
Warm, generous, sexy.
Do you have any daily rituals or rhythms you return to?
Cooking, always. Spending time with my husband and our doggies. Movement. Reading. Morning pages. These are my staples, everything else is a bonus.

Your home and view are so beautiful. Can you tell us a little bit about your home and what it means to you?
I am so influenced by space and am so lucky to live where we live. We moved in back in October and it’s taken some time to get it to a place that feels like a true reflection of who we are. It is the space that I have dreamt of for a long time. Supportive, nourishing, welcoming and inspiring.

Do you have a treasured belonging, and does it have a story?
I inherited three panels of Hiroshigi prints from my Granny from her time spent in Japan. I’ve been looking at them since I was a child. I still do, daily.

It's no secret you are an avid reader surrounded by many books. Are there any titles you're recommending to friends right now?
I just finished The Bee Sting which was brilliant. It was huge, and Franzen adjacent, but told through an Irish writer’s voice which I found interesting and fresh. I loved it. I also found Ilium intriguing and fun. And of course Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, which I read a couple years ago. Gabrielle Zevin created a whole world that I long to visit.

Are there any thought leaders, creators, chefs, or designers that have you inspired lately?
So many. I’m always inspired by Judy Rodgers, Lynne Rossetto Kasper, Frederick Bille Brahe, Li Edelkoort, Ruth Rogers, Linda Rodin, Martha Stewart. None of these names are particularly new, but I often look to the past for inspiration.
In a world so focused on external beauty, we deeply admire how Cap approaches the concept of beauty as wellness from the inside out. When do you feel most beautiful and well?
When space, time and environment are feeling good, I feel pretty great.

After a long day, what's the cure-all?
Reading, a shower and some time with my husband. Simple, yet powerful.